Hel semesterbostad

Båt, turer och personal ingår! Lyxig Rainforest & Waterfront Hm, äventyr väntar!

Fotogalleri för Båt, turer och personal ingår! Lyxig Rainforest & Waterfront Hm, äventyr väntar!

Solstolar och strandhanddukar
Dusch, handdukar, tvål och schampo


10 av 10,

Hel bostad

2 sovrum2 badrumSovplats för 8204 kvm

Populära bekvämligheter

  • Parkering tillgänglig
  • Tvättmaskin
  • Grill
  • Kök
  • Torktumlare
  • Gratis wi-fi

Om boendet

Hela stället

Du har hela bostaden för dig själv och delar den endast med andra gäster i ditt sällskap.

Båt, turer och personal ingår! Lyxig Rainforest & Waterfront Hm, äventyr väntar!

Gäst Gästfrihet är allt för oss! Bevisad av över 60, 5 stjärniga recensioner !!!

Vänligen fråga oss via kontaktägarens flik för att få ett Casa Rio Sierpe färdplaneringspaket som hjälper till att svara på många frågor du kan ha.

Mervärdesservice, bekvämligheter och turer ingår i ditt besök.
• Daglig hushållning (måndag-lördag)
• Fullständig concierge och semesterplaneringstjänst För hela din semester på Costa Rica
• 20 "båt med Capt, obegränsad flodanvändning
• Rundturbåttransport från Sierpe
• Gratis trådlöst nätverk
Små exempel på några av de obegränsade tiderna
• Båt mangrove turné
• Guidade naturvandringar
• Natttur
• Guided Water fall tour
• Guidad kajaktur
• Obegränsat flodfiske med båt
• Sierpe Bocca Beach Tour
• Guidad Isla Violin, fruktgård / botanisk trädgård.

På Casa Rio Sierpe ingår i din standard hyra, vi kommer att ge vår gäst privatlivet till ett lyxigt hem men med semesteranläggningar; högt personlig service av vår personal på plats, anpassade aktiviteter och många inkluderade turer inklusive användningen av en båt och Capt som är strukturerad kring vårt gästschema och inte ett gruppschema som finns i en typisk lodge. Tänk på att du planerar din semester. Vi är inte bara ett lyxigt fritidshus utan en allomfattande "Bucket List", semestermål helt till sig själv, så du behöver inte leta längre för dina semesterbehov!
Om du är intresserad av att lära dig mer om oss, det som gör oss så unika, var snäll och läs vidare.
Casa Rio Sierpe ligger på den norra kanten av Osa halvön längs floden Sierpe, ca 35 * minuter med båt från den pittoreska staden Sierpe, som anses vara porten till Osa. Casa Rio Sierpe ligger bland 2500 hektar privatreservat och gränsar till de nationella våtmarkerna Térraba-Sierpe på Osa-halvön. Detta område är en av de mest avlägsna, mest spektakulära och vildaste regionerna i landet, hem till 2. 5% av världens biologiska mångfald och kallas av National Geographic som "den mest biologiskt intensiva platsen på jorden". Huset ligger i hjärtat av sann primär och sekundär regnskog, är en uppsjö av vilda liv som finns av vilka många är utrotningshotade. Det är hisnande vykort utsikt från huset och direkt ocean tillgång där du hittar extremt privat, orörda stränder bara 15 * minuter bort med båt, vi verkligen har allt!
Är du ute efter att upptäcka magin i Costa Ricas regnskogar, djurliv och orörda stränder? Planerar du din honung månen eller vill återuppväcka din roman? Är du en ivrig fiskare? Med över 98 linjer och ta itu med världsrekord noterats i både sött och salt vatten i närområdet du är säker på att ha som en gång i livet fisketur. Kanske du en aktiv äventyr sökare söker en nonstop, adrenalin fyllda semester eller om du bara vill koppla av på vår rygg däck i dubbel hängmatta med ett glas vin eller kall cerveza och titta på monotona grind och stress i dagens moderna livet smälta bort innan du. Vill du ha svårt att tillgodose allas behov i en semester? Kanske du letar efter en romantisk semester, men andra vill fiska, du vill gå till stranden, andra vill uppleva regnskogen, varför välja bara en när du kan få allt! En vistelse på Casa Rio Sierpe garantier för att uppfylla dina vildaste semester drömmar och det kommer att föryngra din hjärna, kropp och själ ger dig en virtuell backstage-pass till en av världens mest fascinerande och olika destinationer.
På Casa Rio Sierpe du hittar extremt privat lyx boende och full service bekvämligheter vanligtvis bara finns i orterna men i lugn och ro i ett hem. Vårt nybyggda, 2200 ft2 hem är den perfekta kombinationen av modern och rustika stilar blandning Pacific Rim arkitektur. Detta ger hemmet en elegant finess som är mycket unik och säkert mycket Costarican. Noga inbäddat i regnskogen ovanpå en hög ås linje * på 300 fot över havet ger en nästan 180 graders utsikt över den omgivande regnskogen, den Diquis älvdalen och tre distinkta bergskedjor i fjärran. Klimatet är färskt med en blandning av cool Stilla berg och havsluften som cirkulerar i hela huset och grunder. Den årliga dagliga genomsnittstemperaturen vid huset är 85 grader och kvällarna är normalt en trevlig 69-73 som gör den perfekt att sova!
Med tanke på den avlägsna platsen för hemmet, vi är 100% av FÖRLÄNA och enbart förlita sig på solenergi som den enda leverantören av vår makt. Med detta sagt, har vi gjort allt för att säkerställa att våra gäster kommer att vara så bekväm som möjligt se till att du aldrig känna som om du är grovbearbetning det! Vi förlitar oss på 9 stora takfläktar och konstruktionen och placeringen av huset för att hålla vår gäst cool. Alla rum i denna lyx hem är helt avskärmade tillåter solljus och svala vindar för att fylla insidan men att hålla oönskad gäst ut. Direkt bakom huset finns en välskötta spår som leder dig till en liten, privat, vattenfall och simning hål bara en 10 minuters promenad bort.
Hemmet bekvämligheter inkluderar två sovrum med två fästa badrum, ett fullt utrustat kök, inuti matsal, vardagsrum med queen size futon och 800 ft2 täckt däck. Det första sovrummet har en queen size-säng, stor armoire och en 180 graders utsikt över regnskogen, omgivande tropiskt landskap och älvdalen nedanför. Det andra sovrummet har en king size-säng, badrum och egen balkong med utsikt över dalen. Det stora köket är fullt utrustat med toppen av raden apparater inklusive en sida vid sida kyl / frys, 6 brännare gasspis med ugn, omvänd osmos renat vatten och naturligtvis en mixer! Också, oroa dig inte om att göra dessa rätter, du är på semester, kommer vår personal att ta hand om dem också! Allt detta är säker på att lugna alla kulinariska överseende att en gäst kan ha! Vardagsrummet öppnar direkt på 680 ft2, täckt terrass med takfläkt, dubbel hängmatta, lounge och gungstolar, Weber BBQ och ett stort matsalbord. Detta är den perfekta platsen för din dagliga avkoppling, njut av fantastisk utsikt och träffa många av våra lokala grannar också. Nästan på en viss dag förväntar sig att se bosatta Scarlet macaws, papegojor, Toucans, bullriga parakiter, kolibrier, ekorrar, Howler apor, vitt ansikte Capuchin apor, grodor, fjärilar och på natten Kinkajous. Och om du är mycket lycklig så kan du även se den utrotningshotade Spider-apan, Ant eaters, Tayras, Sloths, Wild Cat, Peccary grisar och White Nosed Coatis.
Inte bara är Casa Rio Sierpe läge redo för optimal djurliv observation det är också en perfekt bas för en mängd olika aktiviteter från land till hav som är noga med att hålla även den mest aktiva vacationer upptagen. De flesta av dessa turer ges utan extra kostnad för våra gäster med deras betald hyra. När du kommer och besöker oss ingår det en heltidsguide och hushållerska vars enda jobb är att göra din semester till den mest minnesvärda, stressfria, arbeta som möjligt så som möjligt. De kommer att ge dig privat guidade turer, bär dina matkassar, ta dig älvfiske, städa, hitta färsk frukt, gör dina rätter och även få dig en färsk kokos att dricka på stranden. Vi har över 10 miles av vandringsleder tillsammans med flera kajakpaddling spår som vår hemvist på plats guide personligen guidar dig på, dag eller natt, på vägen påpeka svårt att se vilda djur som du normalt skulle missa och introducera dig till intressanta flora och fauna . Om du vill gå på en natt tur, inga problem, om du vill gå till en regnskog vattenfall, inga problem, vad sägs om att få dig några vilda koriander från skogen för att färskt Ceviche du kommer att göra, de kan göra det till. Vill du utforska Sierpe floden och hennes tillflöden av Kayak? Kajaker är på plats för våra gäster att använda när som helst. Och slutligen, hur kan en semester längs en av världens vackraste flodens vara minnesvärd utan att kunna uppleva den naturliga skönheten och undrar om denna flod utan att ha tillgång till en båt? Ingår i din hyra vi kommer att förse dig med obegränsad användning av en 20 "båt för användning på floden och en kapten att köra den, du är bara ansvarig för den gas som du använder! luta helt enkelt tillbaka, slappna av låt kaptenen göra körningen och inleda en av otaliga flodäventyr från en lat solnedgång flyta med cocktail i hand för att fågelskådning och naturligtvis floden fiske. Hur färsk snapper ljud för middag? Dessutom har jag nämnt att vi har en av de mest fantastiska, privata och avskilda stränder i området och bara en 15 minuters båtfärd bort? Så vad sägs om en barfota äventyr på en ren avskild strand?
Det finns många andra turer tillgängliga till extra kostnad som hämtar dig direkt antingen från huset eller från vår privata floddocka som garanterar att njuta av alla dina infall med någon mängd Pacific-kuster eller regnskogsfördrivningar. Ridning, Corcovado Natl. Park, Cano Island erbjuder bästa snorkling och dykning i hela Costa Rica, World Class Sport Fishing, valskådning och många fler.

** För att upptäcka mer om oss, snälla njut av vår video "Casa Rio Sierpe Experience"
* Huset ligger på en hög ås linje så att du kommer att motsvara några kvarter promenad från bryggan till huset med en kort men relativt brant kulle i slutet. Transport av bagage tillhandahålls. Gäst som överväger Casa Rio Sierpe ska vara något fysiskt passform, äventyrlig och njut av naturen.
* Restider på floden med båt är uppskattningar och varierar något beroende på belastningen och hur mycket djurliv vi slutar titta på längs vägen
* ÄGARE AVBRUTNINGSPOLITIK * är väldigt annorlunda än vad som står på VRBO & Homeaway! Vänligen se vår avbokningsregler i notisavsnittet under Priser och tillgänglighet eller i våra gästvillkor före bokningen


Mark or Lisley Davenport


Engelska, italienska och spanska

Lägg till datum för priser



  • Strandhanddukar
  • Strandstolar


  • Massage


  • Tillgängligt i huset: gratis wi-fi

Parkering och transport

  • Bil krävs inte
  • Parkering på området


  • Brödrost
  • Diskmaskin
  • Elektrisk vattenkokare
  • Grytor och köksredskap
  • Hummer/krabbtina
  • Ismaskin
  • Kaffekvarn
  • Kryddor
  • Kylskåp
  • Köksö
  • Mixer
  • Pappersservetter
  • Spishäll
  • Te-/kaffebryggare
  • Ugn


  • Matbord


  • 2 sovrum
  • Lakan tillhandahålls


  • 2 badrum
  • Dusch
  • Handdukar tillhandahålles
  • Schampo
  • Toalettpapper
  • Tvål


  • Matbord
  • Separat middagsplats
  • Vardagsrum


  • Böcker
  • Spel


  • Balkong
  • Grill
  • Trädgård
  • Utomhusmöbler


  • Tvättmaskin


  • Inga husdjur tillåts


  • Rökfritt boende
  • Meddelande från värden: No smoking allowed inside house, only outside deck

Tjänster och inrättningar

  • Conciergetjänster
  • Städning (begränsad tillgänglighet)
  • Värdeförvaringsskåp

Höjdpunkter i området

  • I bergen
  • Nära bukten
  • Nära havet
  • Nära marinan
  • På landet
  • Vid en flod
  • Vid vattnet

Att göra

  • Båt
  • Kajak
  • Vattensportsutrustning
  • Bad i närheten
  • Dykning i närheten
  • Ekoturer i närheten
  • Fiske i närheten
  • Fågelskådning i närheten
  • Kajakpaddling i närheten
  • Motorbåtsåkning i närheten
  • Mountainbiking i närheten
  • Ridning i närheten
  • Snorkling i närheten
  • Surfing/bodyboarding i närheten
  • Valskådning i närheten
  • Vandringsleder/cykelbanor i närheten
  • Vattenskidåkning i närheten
  • Vildmarksvandringar i närheten


  • Kolmonoxidvarnare (värden har angett att det finns en kolmonoxidvarnare på boendet)
  • Rökdetektor (värden har angett att det finns en rökdetektor på boendet)
  • Förbandslåda
  • Brandsläckare
  • Lås med fallkolv

Allmän information

  • Boendet ligger på en resort
  • Boyta: 204 kvadratmeter
  • Trädgård

Liknande boenden




Incheckning från 11.00
Minimiålder för incheckning - 25 år


Utcheckning innan 09.00
Kontaktfri utcheckning erbjuds


Du kommer att få ett e-postmeddelande från värden med info om incheckning och utcheckning.


Djur ej tillåtna

Barn och extrasängar

Barn är välkomna.
Meddelande från värden: Please contact us regarding young children

Viktig information

Att hålla koll på

Detta boende drivs av en professionell värd. Att erbjuda boende är kopplat till värdens företagsverksamhet eller yrke.
Avgifter för extragäster kan tillkomma och varierar i enlighet med boendets policy.
Statligt utfärdad fotolegitimation och kreditkort, bankkort eller kontantdeposition kan krävas vid incheckning för oförutsedda utgifter.
Särskilda önskemål erbjuds i mån av tillgång vid incheckning och kan medföra ytterligare avgifter. Särskilda önskemål kan inte garanteras.
Fester och gruppevenemang är inte tillåtna på boendet.
Meddelande från värden: No Events over max occupancy .Must be pre-approved
Värden har angett att det finns en kolmonoxidvarnare på boendet.
Värden har angett att det finns en rökdetektor på boendet.
På detta boende finns bland annat följande säkerhetsdetaljer: brandsläckare, förbandslåda och instickslås.
Boendet hanteras av vår partner Vrbo. Du kommer att få ett e-postmeddelande från Vrbo med en länk till ett Vrbo-konto, där du kan att avboka eller ändra din bokning.

Bra att veta

Bil behövs inte för transport till och från detta boende.

Om området

Sabalo, Puntarenas Province

I närheten

  • Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe - 5 min till fots - 0.4 km
  • Parque Nacional Corcovado - 61 min med bil - 36.3 km
  • Corcovado nationalpark (Parque Nacional Corcovado) - 70 min med bil - 35.1 km
  • Drake Bay Beach - 89 min med bil - 26.7 km
  • Finca 6-fornminnet - 112 min med bil - 98.1 km

Ta sig runt

  • Puerto Jiménez Airport (PJM), Puerto Jiménez, Costa Rica - 75 min med bil

Vanliga frågor och svar

Är Båt, turer och personal ingår! Lyxig Rainforest & Waterfront Hm, äventyr väntar! husdjursvänligt?

Nej, husdjur är inte tillåtna på boendet.

Vilka är incheckningstiderna för Båt, turer och personal ingår! Lyxig Rainforest & Waterfront Hm, äventyr väntar!?

Incheckning börjar 11.00.

Vilken utcheckningstid gäller för Båt, turer och personal ingår! Lyxig Rainforest & Waterfront Hm, äventyr väntar!?

Utcheckning sker senast klockan 09.00.

Var ligger Båt, turer och personal ingår! Lyxig Rainforest & Waterfront Hm, äventyr väntar!?

Detta familjevänliga semesterboende vid vattnet i Sierpe ligger 0,4 km från Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe och mindre än tre mil från Playa Isidora och Playa Colorada. Drake Bay Beach och Stone Spheres of the Diquís ligger också mindre än tre mil härifrån.

Recensioner för Boat,Tours & Staff Included! Luxury Rainforest & Waterfront Hm,Adventure Awaits!




10 - Fantastiskt i betyg. 94 av 95 recensioner
8 - Bra i betyg. 1 av 95 recensioner
6 - Okej i betyg. 0 av 95 recensioner
4 - Dåligt i betyg. 0 av 95 recensioner
2 - Väldigt dåligt i betyg. 0 av 95 recensioner




10/10 Fantastiskt

Linda W.

Gillade: Renlighet
Wonderful remote river property
We had a wonderful stay at the river property. Ruben and his wife were wonderful and took care of us, helping to make sure that we had lots of fun with various activities. The views are beautiful from the balconies. It is a warm humid environment but the fans help. Upstairs with king bed is cooler than downstato. We were able to see howler monkeys from the porch. We also saw a sloth sleeping up in the tree. I would highly recommend this property to anyone. The walk to get to the house is quite steep so making sure that you're able to do that is imperative. We enjoyed the night hike. The meals with Dolly were delicious and very filling. She even offered the leftovers for the next day. Make sure you make a grocery shop prior to getting there as there are no stores near you.
Bodde här 4 nätter i februari 2025

10/10 Fantastiskt

Diana V.

Gillade: Renlighet
Heaven awaits high above the river
However you learn about Casa Rio Sierpe, from friends or the internet, you will never be fully prepared for the magic awaiting you. Mark provides a tome of useful information which is invaluable for orientation- absorb and follow it. He took the time to answer all of our naive questions without an issue. When we arrived in Sierpe we were met by part of the Casa Rio team, in our case Simone and Rueben. The two whisked our group from the real world into the grand adventure our following week would become. The trip through the mangroves to the dock was filled with sighting of crocs, monkeys and lots of birds. The legendary hill climb to the house is transformational and completely manageable. As you make the final turn and see the house you will realize what a great decision you have made. It is such a beautiful structure and the staff were so welcoming. The options are endless on ways to fill your days. We spent hours sitting on the deck watching birds and monkeys, went exploring the mangroves and fishing with Reuben, snorkeling with Simone at Caño Island, visited a local garden and spent a day in Corcovado Park. We chose to have Dolly prepare all of our dinners and we highly encourage everyone to do the same. She was such a great cook, wonderful person and we had a great time getting to know her. Thank you Mark and crew for sharing this slice of paradise with us, you all have created an experience we will never forget.
Bodde här 6 nätter i januari 2025

10/10 Fantastiskt

Sandy Neff is here. N.

Gillade: Renlighet
Cultural Immersion
My two grandchildren (ages 11 and 23) and I had an adventure of a lifetime. We felt we were experiencing the real Costa Rica with the horseback ride into the hills, snorkeling off Cano Island with the turtles, viewing humpback whales, picking up sand dollars off the nearby beach, quietly exploring the maze of mangrove swamps, and drinking from a freshly-cut coconut on Jose’s fruit farm. We were able to get by with our very minimal Spanish. After our excursions, it was a delight to return to the house and “chill” while Dolly cooked our exquisite dinners. Everything was fresh and we usually had leftovers for the next day. My area was the upstairs and the kids had the downstairs. Ruben and his wife helped with getting us to places, cleaning, and laundry. Everybody associated with this villa was very kind and you had no worries. My grandchildren still talk about the trip. This region is so lush with flora and fauna. Yes, we saw monkeys and sloths in the nearby area. We highly recommend the Casa Rio Sierpe! It’s more than lodging; it’s an immersive cultural experience.
Bodde här 8 nätter i augusti 2024

10/10 Fantastiskt

Sarah G.

Gillade: Renlighet
Casa Rio
Stayed here for four nights. A little oasis in the middle of the rainforest! We had such a great time. You always feel supported, Simone makes sure you get to do everything and that your day is always booked. Reuben is always on time for your excursions! And get dolly to come cook for you because we were never hungry!! So good. Another awesome add on, was Sarah, the massage therapist. She comes right to the house! So amazing
Bodde här 4 nätter i juli 2024

10/10 Fantastiskt

Colleen G.

Gillade: Renlighet
The highlight of our Costa Rican vacation!
A stay at Casa Rio Sierpe is a ‘must do’ if you are traveling to Costa Rica. We were met by friendly Simone who will greeted us when we arrived and was always available to help with any questions or arrangements we had during stay. Our wonderful guide Ruben was at our beck and call and guided us through many of the available activities. There are no shortage of adventures to keep guests busy. The accommodations are private, clean and very relaxing. You’ll want to take some time to enjoy the beautiful deck. And finally I would absolutely recommend bringing in Dolly to cook your meals. A wonderful woman and an amazing cook!
Bodde här 4 nätter i februari 2024

10/10 Fantastiskt

Kim B.

Gillade: Renlighet
A magical remote jungle stay
If you are looking for a genuine Costa Rica experience, this is it! The house is perched in the jungle, with screens for walls, so the sounds of the jungle surround you at night, yet keep out unwanted creatures. Howler monkeys and toucans hang out in the trees right off the deck, that is comfortably equipped with rocking chairs, a sofa sectional, and huge table that we ate at every night. There are surprisingly very few mosquitoes, testimony to the rare opportunity to spend a few days in a balanced ecosystem. Adventures in the boat with Ruben are so special, our favorites were looking for animals in the mangroves, visiting fruit island, and swims at the beach just down the river. We have 3 school age kids, and this is our second trip to Costa Rica, and our instinct was to over-program with a trip to Corcovada. However, exploring the river and surrounding area were truly more rewarding. Dolly cooked for us every night, delicious and authentic meals, just like all the reviews say. What I didn't realize is that Simone, an English speaking tour guide based out of Sierpe, also helps with logistics. Our travel plans leaving Sierpe were completely derailed with a broken ferry dock and bridge, and she quickly helped us find a new solution to our next destination. Our only negative is personal- we didn't think through what living off the grid means, but within a day we adjusted, and were totally rewarded with a trip that we will never forget.
Bodde här 5 nätter i april 2024

10/10 Fantastiskt

Felicia E., Augusta County VA

Gillade: Renlighet
Rainforest adventure
The home was centrally located on Rio Sierpe. We saw or heard monkeys nearly every day. Its a beautiful tree house high on a ridge. The master bedroom with master bath on the second level with a great view. The main level was an open floor plan with 4 sliding doors to the back deck where we had dinner and relaxed each evening. There is no AC but plenty of ceilings fans. There is a second bedroom on the main floor as well as a 2-3 additional sleeper couches in the living room. A second full bath on the main floor. The kitchen is well stocked. What made it even more special was meeting the people who helped make your stay even better- Ruben and his family, Dolly, and Simone
Bodde här 7 nätter i december 2023

10/10 Fantastiskt

Kari H.

Gillade: Renlighet
Five-star adventure!
I'm honestly having a bit of trouble putting the magic of Casa Rio Sierpe into words. The home itself is beautifully-designed and comfortable, and it's tucked into a gorgeous, remote setting. I loved sitting on the expansive deck with my binoculars watching toucans and other tropical birds fly from tree to tree. There is no AC in this home, but the ceiling fans allowed us to sleep comfortably and the screens let in the symphony of sounds that come from the surrounding jungle. The walk up the driveway is quite a hike in itself (so don't ignore Mark's caution about needing to be in decent physical shape to stay here), but the exertion is worth it! The house itself, however, is only a small fraction of the magic that comes with booking this property. Mark was a friendly and fast communicator. Rayna, the travel planner who works with this property, helped us book transportation and tours in advance of our stay. Simone, the nearby English-speaking concierge, was available to help us plan each day of our to our fullest. Ruben, the on-site guide, took us on many wonderful adventures (visiting the fruit farm and kayaking in the mangroves were favorites). Adriana made sure the house was sparkling each day and helped us with our laundry. Last but not least, we paid for Dolly's dinners each day, and they were an absolutely delicious way to wrap up each day of adventure. While the Casa itself is incredible, it's the people involved with this trip that really made this trip magical!
Bodde här 5 nätter i juni 2023

10/10 Fantastiskt

Alesha F.

Gillade: Renlighet
Paradise in the Rainforest
Casa Rio Sierpe is amazing! I have been to Costa Rica twice, have stayed in many locations and this is my favorite! When booking I was looking for a more authentic Costa Rica experience, away from tourist resorts. The house is immaculate and beautiful. The team that takes care of you while you are there can not be beat. Simone was amazing and helped answer all of our question quickly. Ruben was great as well, he took us on a night hike, my husband had a great time fishing with him, and we visited Jose's fruit farm (do not miss this)! Just being in the boat and riding through the mangroves was one of the highlights of my trip. Don't miss out on Dolly's cooking, her food is incredible! She prepares an amazing three course meal. We have been home almost a week and are still talking about Dolly each night at dinner. My girls keep reminding me that I am supposed to ask for her juice recipes (best juice I have ever had in my entire life). We also worked with Rayna who booked an outside tour for us to Corcovado National Park and Cano Island. Mark was also great to work with. He quickly answered all of my questions and provided thorough documentation about the house, area and tours available. I highly recommend Casa Rio Sierpe!
Bodde här 4 nätter i februari 2023

10/10 Fantastiskt

David S., Ontario

Gillade: Renlighet
Wonderful jungle spot
Excellent on all counts. Ruben was lovely and helpful. Dolly was a grand cook. We will definitely return for another visit as our four nights was too short.
Bodde här 4 nätter i februari 2023

10/10 Fantastiskt

Rick G.

Gillade: Renlighet
Such a grwat opportunity to enjoy the the beuty of being so far away from cities. I would highly recomend staying here. Simone, Reuban and Dolly were there for every need if we needed theor help. Dolly should be some award winning chef so dont oass up her option to cook. Reuban and his family are so kind and helped us on a a few adventures. I think the best part was Luna their small black dog. Always coming to greet you at the end of driveway and at the dock. Thanks to all gor making are trip wonderful. Rick n Bonnie G
Bodde här 6 nätter i februari 2023

10/10 Fantastiskt

Joan and Ed V.

Gillade: Renlighet
Best week of our 3 in Cost Rica
The house is totally beautiful & immaculate with daily cleaning. We were welcomed with cold lemonade, cool eucalyptus scented cloths, & friendly smiling faces. The access to the house is steep, but in spite of that it was our very best week of the 3 we spent in Costa Rica. The view, the toucans & other beautiful birds visible from our balconies were awesome. The support staff were incredible: Special thankyou's to Rueben who was always available to take us kayaking through the mangroves, fishing, boating, visiting the most incredible beach, day or night hiking, & fixing the pump within 5 minutes of our call. AND, we have to add this: make Dolly, the cook, part of your visit! Her dinners were like a 5 star hotel, but so reasonably priced. She herself was a ray of sunshine! All in all it was wonderful. 5 stars from us. We miss Luna!
Bodde här 7 nätter i januari 2023

10/10 Fantastiskt


Gillade: Renlighet
Our time in Eden
Super. Natural. Breathtaking. Words can not explain the feeling, the sounds, the quality of light of this fabulous house/experience. What a 5 star crew and staff!
Bodde här 9 nätter i januari 2023

10/10 Fantastiskt

Victoria L.

Gillade: Renlighet
Lovely home, fantastic location, STELLAR local team
Travelled here with my girlfriend and one of our best friends. We had an absolutely wonderful time! Before getting into details, I want to say that the local/onsite team at this home truly made our trip. Ruben and his wife are from the area- she took immaculate care of the home while he took us to beaches in the evening and on short trips during the day. I largely wanted to visit Oso peninsula to see sloths and Ruben tirelessly guided us on his boat until we found some. It was so magical. Dolly came and made us dinner every night. My pants no longer fit but it was worth it. She’s so skilled at cooking a wide variety of cuisines! Our favorites were the whole fried fish and pork steak. Ask for her special hot sauce- so fresh and bright! She also made amazing arepas for lunch one day- best I’ve ever had. Love you Dolly!! Simone is the property manager. She has such a beautiful, warm energy. I appreciated her understanding that we are “hands off” guests- she gave us space to relax while still managing and organizing our activities. It should be noted that she bakes a mean pie. Thanks, Simone! Location: remote, but not so much so that you feel isolated- Ruben and his family live at the bottom of the (very steep) trail to the house and Simone (local property manager- love her!) is maybe 10 minutes away by boat. Amazing view of the Sierpe river and the surrounding jungle. We spent our mornings watching toucans and monkeys from the outdoor dining room/porch area. The foliage is breathtaking. While it didn’t present as issue for us, interested parties should note that the hill to the house really is a trek. You’ll definitely want shoes with Vibram soles or trail shoes. Amenities: more than adequate. Great showers! Lots of cozy places to lay down and have a siesta. Included activities: we scheduled to balance relaxing and working from home with having an immersive experience. Horseback riding with Ruben was 10/10- totally worth the $60pp. Ruben also took us on a night walk- highly recommend. The array of bugs, spiders, snakes and bats that come out after sunset was stunning. Bring a headlamp- the more powerful the better. We also booked a snorkeling excursion with Cesar to Kanu island. He is an excellent guide! All in all, we hope to stop over again next year on our annual to South America. I already miss the din of cicadas at night. :)
Bodde här 5 nätter i januari 2023

10/10 Fantastiskt

Craig B.

Gillade: Renlighet
An adventure not to be missed!
Initially reading the property description we knew it was special and different from the typical vacation spot so we booked a week at Casa Rio Sierpe. It did not fail to deliver! Mark’s was great to deal with he provided all the information we needed prepare for the trip what was included, what to bring, and what to watch out for. He put us in touch with Rayna who in turn was fantastic. She helped us arrange transportation to and from the house along with a couple private excursions to El Cano Island and Corcovado National Park. Cesar was our guide, very passionate about his job and wanted to make sure we got the most out of our experience. Also want to recognize captain Steven who expertly navigated the boat in and out of the ocean breakwater. Aparently we were there on one of the roughest weeks of the year. Once we got to Sierpe Simone took over, again fantastic. She met us at the super-market helped us purchase supplies for the week, accompanied us to the house, gave us a ton of information about the area. Then through out the week she kept us informed each and every night with the next day’s opportunities. Ruben was a gem! He not only was our boat captain for the week. Took us fishing a couple times, kayaking among the mangroves (not to be missed), trip to the visit Jose at the fruit farm, trips back and forth from the beach and was extremely helpful getting luggage to and from the house. And need to mention Luna his dog, she was always happy to see us always accompanied us on walks, horseback riding and back and forth from the dock. A daily visit from Adriana to keep the house in order and clean was greatly appreciated. The house was setup wonderful and very comfortable. You can tell there was a lot of thought and care taken when planning and building. With great views, lots of vegetation and several visits from the local monkeys. And then of course Dolly who was available to cook for us the last 5 nights of our stay. The food was wonderful and greatly appreciated after long days of adventures. A fantastic adventure! Fun was had by all. Highly recommend a stay at Casa Rio Sierpe!!
Bodde här 7 nätter i november 2022

10/10 Fantastiskt

Leigh Wayne M., South Lake Tahoe, CA

Gillade: Renlighet
A place that truly exceeds all expectations!!!
Our stay was an exceptional experience from beginning to end!!!! The incredible description of the property and opportunities, which by the way sound spectacular, don't do justice to the experience this amazing property and the people who take such fantastic care of it, and you, provide! The owner is a pleasure to communicate with and is one of the most prompt responders I have had the pleasure of dealing with. From Simone greeting you in Sierpe and delivering you to the house in person, to Dolly waiting on the porch with fresh squeezed lemonade and frosted eucalyptus infused towels to refresh you, to the soft spoken, but extremely warm and welcoming Rueben who takes care of your every boating/kayaking/hiking/fishing/beach-going desire, I cannot say enough what a fantastic experience our stay was!!! The house is beautiful and so well cared for!!! Mark makes sure that you have an exceptional cup of coffee to start your days! Reuben helps fill your days with unique and amazing adventures, and Dolly makes sure you go home a few pounds heavier than you came with her exceptional cooking. Don't miss the trip to meet Jose and his fruit garden among the mangroves. There is nothing like it. Thank you to each one of you who make this such a special little corner of the globe!!!!
Bodde här 4 nätter i november 2022

10/10 Fantastiskt

Lucie S., Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Gillade: Renlighet
What more could you want?
If we had to sum up this vacation in one word, it would definitely be "amazing"! The house was gorgeous, with its beautiful deck and its stunning view, which was our spot for relaxing; its warmth with all the wood; its great bathrooms that almost make you feel like you're taking your shower outside..... It was all fantastic!!! But THE best part of it all was the people. Ruben was so accomodating and always ready to help plan our next adventure; Adrianna, his wife, did a wonderful job keeping the house beautiful and spotless. And then, there was Dolly. She is a ball of energy, who always has something to say and is so incredibly sweet. She came in every day (we stayed 13 days) with what she needed, cooked for 21/2 hours, served us a really great meal, cleaned the kitchen and went home. We threatened to kidnap her and already miss her much. Simone, our english-speaking liaison was also a great help whenever we needed her. All in all, a wonderful place to do a lot or a lot of nothing. It was just the perfect vacation we needed!
Bodde här 13 nätter i juli 2022

10/10 Fantastiskt

Melinda P.

Gillade: Renlighet
A magical trip!!
My husband and I just returned home from spending 10 beautiful days at Casa Rio Sierpe. We had the most magical time. The house is even more beautiful than the pictures. It is exceptionally clean and comfortable. We loved lounging on the day bed near the kitchen and listening to the rain and animals of the forest. Gosh, we loved everything! The location was perfect. Every morning we awoke to the sound of the howler monkeys and birds and looked forward to meeting Ruben at the boat and going on an adventure. The time spent with Ruben exploring the mangroves, Rio Sierpe and Playa Boca Sierpe was priceless and is marked in our memories forever. We hired the lovely and amazing Dolly to cook all our dinners, and we are so glad we did. It was so nice to come home from a day at the beach, etc...and have a delicious meal cooked for us. We talked and laughed with Dolly every night and devoured her meals. The entire experience was perfect. From planning the trip and receiving prompt and thorough responses to my questions from Mark, to the arrival in Sierpe and being greeted by Simone and Ruben, to the amazing days exploring the river and beach with Ruben, dinners with Dolly, learning so much from Simone about the area and all of the magic it houses, and horseback riding with Rodolfo which was SO enjoyable....this entire package and more made our trip, the trip of a lifetime. Each member of the staff is a treasure. We miss them and Sierpe already, so busy planning our next trip. We feel very grateful that Mark and Lisely have created this gem of a home and have invited all of us to experience the wonders of Sierpe and the Osa Peninsula. We left Osa taking long, deep breaths and have hearts full of joy. Thank you!
Bodde här 9 nätter i mars 2022

10/10 Fantastiskt

Susan M.

Gillade: Renlighet
Better than advertised
My husband and I have just returned from our first trip to Costa Rica. We stayed in Casa Rio Sierpe for the first week. That week was absolutely extraordinary! The house is beautiful and very comfortable in a serene jungle setting. We were so well taken care of that we immediately felt at home. Simone escorted us to the house and checked in with us each day. Ruben, our boat captain, took us all through out the mangrove forest and river. His wife, Adriana, kept the house beautiful and clean. We hired Dolly for our dinners which was the best decision of all. She is a wonderful cook and a delight to get to know. The private tour to Corcovado National Park was a tour of a lifetime. Angie, our guide, was knowledgeable and so passionate about perserving the environment; her enthusiasm was infectious. Thank you Mark and Lisley for making this experience possible.
Bodde här 7 nätter i februari 2022

10/10 Fantastiskt

Amit O.

Gillade: Renlighet
Magical- Beyond our wildest expectations
If I could give our stay more than 5 stars I would. Perhaps as many as the stars we saw reclining on the upper balcony at night. This was our third time in Costa Rica and we are world travellers. We have never stayed in a rental as wonderful as this. Book it now before reading the rest of the review- it’s that good. Mark, the host was generous to a fault with both information and concern for us and our enjoyment. The staff, carefully hand picked and trained, did above and beyond to make our stay comfortable and enjoyable . Ruben and his family, Simone, Dolly, the energetic chef, attended to our every need. The house itself is a miracle in construction and offered utmost amenities and luxury in a natural and wild setting. While we are generally very active travellers , all we wanted to do was linger on one of the several balconies to enjoy the sights and sounds of this jungle setting. Endless parade of various monkey species, colorful birds, beautiful flowers were all around us. We would return in a heartbeat- can’t wait!
Bodde här 11 nätter i januari 2022

10/10 Fantastiskt

Talmadge W., Little Rock, AR

Gillade: Renlighet
Magnificent view, property, staff
Unique, off grid stay with many inclusive activities available. Wonderful guide, Rueben. Great cook available, Dolly. Great in person coordination from Simone. Definitely recommend.
Bodde här 7 nätter i januari 2022

10/10 Fantastiskt

Jason Z.

Gillade: Renlighet
Best Experience Ever!
This is not just a home; it is an experience. Everything about this place is amazing! Simone the property manager went above and beyond. She answered every question we had and made sure we had everything we needed. Ruben, our guide, was very knowledgable and made our stay unforgettable. We loved watching the capuchin monkeys from the beautiful deck each morning while drinking our coffee. Afternoon visits from the spider monkeys were also a treat! Dolly's meals were incredible! My kids are still talking about how much they miss Dolly and her cooking. She even taught my daughter how to make tortillas. I cannot say enough good things about this place and the people who own and run it! You will not be disappointed!
Bodde här 10 nätter i december 2021

10/10 Fantastiskt

Melissa W.

Gillade: Renlighet
Absolutely Amazing!
Everything about the house and our stay was amazing! Dolly is an amazing chef and I would strongly encourage anyone to book every meal with her. Reuben was an amazing guide and super helpful with everything. We would definitely recommend going to the fruit farm and the horseback riding. We also did do the outside tour to San Pedrillo and saw lots of wildlife in the park. It was an amazing vacation and location and we hope to be back again in the future!
Bodde här 6 nätter i augusti 2021

10/10 Fantastiskt

scott e.

Gillade: Renlighet
Do not miss this opportunity!
This was, by far, one of the most special places we have ever stayed while traveling. The house is incredible with all the amenities that you could possibly want while creating a connection with the abundant nature outside every window. From the moment we arrived in Costa Rica and had our transportation arranged by Rayna and Simone, to the drive to Seirpe from San Jose with Frank, to the boat ride from Seirpe to the house with Ruben, to the unbelievable greeting at the top of the hill by Dolly, this is an experience not to be missed. Take every opportunity to spend time with Ruben---go on his horseback tour, night tour (an absolute favorite amongst our group). Also, make sure to book Dolly for as many meals as you possibly can---she is a true treasure! Her food is out of this world and her smile and laugh will warm your heart for days to come. I wish we could take her home with us! Mark was so communicative and provided all the information needed to ensure an A+ vacation for us. As we were leaving, we were already planning our next trip. This was an unforgettable experience in such a beautiful and peaceful location. As a previous vacation rental owner, I have a real appreciation to the effort of attending to details. Mark and Lisley didn't skip a beat in making this home something truly special and a forever memory for us. From the time we arrived until we had to depart, we were treated with incredible attention and care. This is really an travel opportunity not to be missed---you will not find another experience close to this one, so book now (or we may beat you to it!!!) Thanks Mark and Lisley. Please extend our warmest appreciation to Dolly and Ruben as well. They are just amazing people!
Bodde här 3 nätter i juni 2021

10/10 Fantastiskt

Arun K., Great Falls

Gillade: Renlighet
Week adventure
Staying at the Sierpe house was a great decision. It was a luxury jungle experience. It is an extremely well organized trip that Mark offers. His crew including Ruben who does the tours, Ruben’s wife who cleans everyday and Dolly who we had cook gourmet dinners every night are extremely warm and genuinely want you to have a great time. The house is immaculate. Fans every where. Beautiful back deck and waterfall shower were my favorites. The tours were excellent. We loved the remote sandy beaches. The kayak tour was nice. Mix of river and mangrove. The fruit farm was like out of a novel. Lots of wildlife on the upriver tour. Highly recommend this house even for families with young kids.
Bodde här 7 nätter i februari 2021