Hel lägenhet·Privat värd

Helt enkelt Akumals bästa! Lyxigt Penthouse med infinity-pool vid taket, taket ...

Fotogalleri för Helt enkelt Akumals bästa! Lyxigt Penthouse med infinity-pool vid taket, taket ...

2 sovrum, värdeförvaringsskåp på rummet, strykjärn/strykbräda och wi-fi
Utsikt från luften
2 sovrum, värdeförvaringsskåp på rummet, strykjärn/strykbräda och wi-fi


10 av 10,

Hel lägenhet

2 sovrum3 badrumSovplats för 8189 kvm

Populära bekvämligheter

  • Parkering tillgänglig
  • Husdjursvänligt
  • Utsikt mot stranden
  • Tvättmaskin
  • Luftkonditionering
  • Kök
Det nuvarande priset är 8 844 kr
inklusive skatter och avgifter
21 mars – 22 mars

Om boendet

Hela stället

Du har hela semesterlägenheten för dig själv och delar den endast med andra gäster i ditt sällskap.

Helt enkelt Akumals bästa! Lyxigt Penthouse med infinity-pool vid taket, taket ...

Akumal är den bästa av Riviera Maya, Nahil är den allra bästa av Akumal, och takvåningen i Nahil är kronjuvelen för dem alla!

För Half Moon Bay and Lagoon ** DRONE VIDEOS ** skjutna från vår takvåning, gå till botten av denna sida och titta under "Länkar till mer information" och "Ägarinfo". Du kan också gå till youtube och skriva in "gcJRx4f_n7U" och "4LVZi7ApK48".

Om du vill ha mer information, vill se om vi har några specialerbjudanden, eller har några frågor du vill ha svar på, skicka gärna ett meddelande genom att klicka på länken "Ställ chef en fråga" till höger på sidan.


    Utsikten --- den hisnande utsikten är hjärtat i Nahil takvåning. Det stora sovrummet, det stora badrummet, vardagsrummet, matsalen, köket, infinity-poolen och bad-up baren är alla vid havet. Nahil takvåning ligger på den avskilda norra änden av denna vackra vik, med utsikt över den mest spektakulära turkiska vattendraget omgiven av korallrev, pulvervita sandstranden och palmer som blåser i vinden. Från fågelperspektivet av takvåningen kan du bokstavligen se örnstrålar och sköldpaddor som simmar nedanför, enstaka katamaran kryssar och pelikaner spionerar på dig i ögonhöjd.

Dekor --- från det ögonblick du går in i Nahil takvåning slås du med den känsliga balansen där havet möter djungeln, komfort förvandlas till skönhet och naturen bleknar till elegans. Denna bostad var specialdesignad för att införliva naturen i ett levande konstverk: duschar gjorda av koraller, djungelträd som spirar från golv till tak, brickor inbäddade med fossil och Mayan stenar som täcker hela väggar. Somna till de svängande vågorna och vakna till ingenting annat än karibiskt blått vatten.

Sovrum ---
Sovrummet vid havet med sin anpassade king size-säng har en öppen layout där huvudväggen glider in i sig själv, dubbla skjutdörrar från golv till tak öppnar mot terraza, och det stora badrummet och dubbla dusch har utsikt över rummet och det lysande turkoset vatten under. Maya stenväggar, träd inslagna i kvävlings vinstockar, koraller ströda med skal och naturliga träplattor är byggmaterialen här.

Gästrummet har utsikt över djungeln trädtopparna med en hängande king size-säng gjord av naturliga träd och ett badrum belägen med koraller och skal.

Palapa loftet på taket kan konfigureras för en drottning, två drottningar, en tvilling eller två tvillingar för barnen eller mer äventyrliga resenärer.

De två queen-size och två dubbla uppblåsbara madrasser är också tillgängliga för användning i vardagsrummet och gästrummet (eller matsalen om du föredrar det).

Kök --- köket är utrustat med en sex-brännare gasspis, överdrivet kylskåp med franska dörrar och ismaskin, överdisken diskbänk med en separat diskbänk för grönsaker, bänkskivor i granit, frukostbar, skräpavfall, diskmaskin , tvättmaskin / torktumlare och dricksvatten från kran och kylskåp.

Vardagsrum --- vardagsrummet har en stor sektionssoffa med chaiselong, 46 "platt skärm med riktigt surroundljud, multimediecentrum förladdat med Netflix, Spotify, You Tube, dockningsstation för din egen musik och multirumsljud och takhögtalare i alla rum. Utrymmet är omgivet av Mayan stenväggar med original konst, djungel vinstockar och polerat golv som spills ut på den stora terraza. Varje kväll kommer den automatiska stämningsbelysningen att leva upp när solen bleknar.

Privat tak på Palapa ---
Detta är det mest fantastiska utrymmet i hemmet. en 900 kvadratmeter privat takterrass med sittplatser, hängmattor, loungemöbler, vardagsrumsstolar, loft, handfat och badrum. Utsikten härifrån är väldigt speciella och det är det bästa stället i Akumal att titta på solnedgångarna!

*** KRAV FÖR 2018 ***
Vi har vissa reservationsbestämmelser för tillfället. Om dina datum inte uppfyller dessa, skicka mig ett meddelande först för att se om vi kan acceptera din förfrågan:

Inga speciella krav just nu!


    Pool & palapa --- en 15 meter lång infinitypool med sittplatser i jacuzzi-stil, palmerö och sjunkna schäslonger utgör några av höjdpunkterna. En rymlig intilliggande palapa är ett utmärkt ställe att gömma sig för middagssolen eller njuta av en lugn lunch.


Nahil är det enda nya lägenhetskomplexet i Akumal och ligger på en idyllisk strandsträcka på Half Moon Bay. Det är få turister som går förbi eftersom det ligger i slutet av viken, men är fortfarande inom gångavstånd till det bästa som halvmåne bukten och Akumal har att erbjuda. Det är en 10 minuters promenad ner i sanden till den bästa strandbaren i området, La Buena Vida. En kort 5 minuters promenad i vardera riktningen tar dig till stranden vid La Lunita eller italienska köket i djungeln i Que Onda. En kilometer med cykel eller bil längs den privata vägen tar dig tillbaka till byn Akumal, tillsammans med dess fantastiska butiker och restauranger (Lol-Ha, Turtle Bay, La Taverna och Cueva de Pescador).

Akumal Bay är känd för sina fina sköldpaddor som du kan simma med året runt. Half Moon Bay är en värld bort från detta livliga område med sin integritet och skönhet. Nahil ligger framför den vackraste delen av viken med det klaraste vattnet och det livligaste revet. Andra delar av viken njuter inte av sådan fantastisk utsikt, skönhet och tillgång till revet. Nahils nordliga läge gör det möjligt för de nordliga vindarna att köra någon flotsam eller sargasso till den sydliga änden av viken och därmed hålla denna sträcka av strand och vatten obefläckad.

En absolut "måste-göra" är att ta en 5 minuters promenad till den berömda Yalku-lagunen. Denna orörda lagun är där cenoter och deras färska vatten möter det karibiska havet, som kolliderar i en unik miljö med frodiga djunglar och smaragdvatten. Vakna tidigt för soluppgång eller vänta tills huvudingången stängs och ha hela lagunen för dig själv.

Akumal ligger 75 minuter söder om Cancun, 30 minuter söder om Playa Del Carmen och 20 minuter norr om Tulum. Dessa städer har fantastiska bekvämligheter men är inte de romantiserade avskilda semesterplatserna eftersom de är överbefolkade med turister, butiker och restauranger. Om du vill ha en "stor" utekväll, är dessa städer bara en kort bilresa eller taxiresa bort från din dolda fristad.


27 poäng checklista av vårt fastighetsförvaltningsföretag på plats
Central luftkonditionering med 3 separata zoner
Över stor fransk dörrkylskåp m / kallt dricksvatten och ismaskin
Daglig städservice
Tvättmaskin torktumlare
TV + ljud med flera rum
Automatisk stämningsbelysning
6-brännare spis
Privat wifi (delas inte med andra hyresgäster)
Äta middag för 8
Amerikansk VVS så att du kan spola ditt toalettpapper!
2 cyklar, snorkelutrustning, revstövlar, paddleboards, flytvästar, etc.

Knacka in i vår kunskapsbas
Min man och jag förvaltar våra sex hem och hyresfastigheter som vårt heltidsjobb. Det betyder att du har tillgång till vår hjälp, kunskapsbas, expertis och allt du behöver 24/7. Vi har båda alla appar laddade på våra telefoner och bärbara datorer, så vi kommer att svara på alla frågor du kan ha omedelbart. Ett hotell har hundratals andra gäster som tävlar om fastighetens tjänster, skönhet, resurser och "exklusivitet". En typisk VRBO-lista är bara hemmet och ingen vägledning, tips, nätverk, förslag etc. Min man och jag tillhandahåller det bästa från båda världar och ger dig fantastiskt stöd, exklusivitet, avkoppling och integritet.


Mammoth Village Lodge 1BR Condo: VRBO Listing # 974962: https: // www. vrbo. com / 974.962

Mammoth Village Lodge 2BR-A Condo: VRBO Listing # 1067211: https: // www. vrbo. com / 1067211

Mammoth Village Lodge 2BR-B Condo: VRBO Notering # 1701904: https: // www. vrbo. com / 1701904

Mammoth Village Lodge 2BR-C Condo: VRBO Listing # 1710868: https: // www. vrbo. com / 1710868

Mammoth Village Monache 1BR-A Condo: VRBO Listing # 855836: https: // www. vrbo. com / 855.836

Mammoth Village Monache 1BR-B Condo: VRBO Listning # 1307962: https: // www. vrbo. com / 1307962

Baja K38 Surf Villa: VRBO Listing # 588526: https: // www. vrbo. com / 588.526

Riviera Maya Penthouse: VRBO Listing # 769502: https: // www. vrbo. com / 769.502




Engelska, franska, tyska, italienska och spanska



  • På stranden
  • Strandhanddukar


  • Allmän pool
  • Massage


  • Tillgängligt i lägenheten: wi-fi

Parkering och transport

  • Bil rekommenderas
  • Parkering på området


  • Brödrost
  • Grytor och köksredskap
  • Ismaskin
  • Kryddor
  • Kylskåp
  • Mikrovågsugn
  • Pappersservetter
  • Spishäll
  • Te-/kaffebryggare
  • Ugn


  • Kockservice


  • 2 sovrum
  • Lakan tillhandahålls


  • 2,5 badrum
  • Bidé
  • Dusch
  • Handdukar tillhandahålles
  • Hårtork
  • Schampo
  • Toalettpapper
  • Tvål


  • Separat middagsplats
  • Vardagsrum


  • Böcker
  • Musikbibliotek
  • Smart-tv


  • Balkong


  • Tvättmaskin
  • Tvättomat i närheten


  • Luftkonditionering


  • Husdjur välkomna


  • Rökfritt boende
  • Meddelande från värden: non smoking only

Tjänster och inrättningar

  • Strykjärn/strykbräda
  • Städning (begränsad tillgänglighet)
  • Värdeförvaringsskåp

Höjdpunkter i området

  • Nära ett sjukhus
  • Nära ett spa
  • Nära havet
  • Nära marinan
  • Vid vattnet

Att göra

  • Båt
  • Cyklar
  • Golf
  • Kajak
  • Tennis
  • Vattenpark
  • Vattensportsutrustning
  • Bad i närheten
  • Basket i närheten
  • Dykning i närheten
  • Ekoturer i närheten
  • Fiske i närheten
  • Fågelskådning i närheten
  • Golf i närheten
  • Kajakpaddling i närheten
  • Kasino i närheten
  • Motorbåtsåkning i närheten
  • Segling i närheten
  • Skärmsegling i närheten
  • Snorkling i närheten
  • Surfing/bodyboarding i närheten
  • Temapark i närheten
  • Valskådning i närheten
  • Vattenskoteråkning i närheten
  • Vildmarksvandringar i närheten
  • Vindsurfing i närheten


  • Kolmonoxidvarnare (värden har angett att det finns en kolmonoxidvarnare på boendet)
  • Rökdetektor (värden har angett att det finns en rökdetektor på boendet)
  • Brandsläckare
  • Lås med fallkolv

Allmän information

  • Boyta: 189 kvadratmeter
  • Cyklar

Liknande boenden



Incheckning från 16.00


Utcheckning innan 10.00


Du kommer att få ett e-postmeddelande från värden med info om incheckning och utcheckning.


Djur är tillåtna
Restriktioner gäller. Mer information får du genom att kontakta boendet via numret som anges i bokningsbekräftelsen.

Barn och extrasängar

Barn är välkomna.
Meddelande från värden: Children welcome

Viktig information

Att hålla koll på

Detta boende drivs av en privat värd (någon som inte agerar inom sin företagsverksamhet eller sitt yrke). EU:s konsumentlagar, inklusive ångerrätten, gäller inte för din bokning. Din bokning omfattas av den privata värdens avbokningspolicy.
Avgifter för extragäster kan tillkomma och varierar i enlighet med boendets policy.
Statligt utfärdad fotolegitimation och kreditkort, bankkort eller kontantdeposition kan krävas vid incheckning för oförutsedda utgifter.
Särskilda önskemål erbjuds i mån av tillgång vid incheckning och kan medföra ytterligare avgifter. Särskilda önskemål kan inte garanteras.
Fester och gruppevenemang är inte tillåtna på boendet.
Värden har angett att det finns en kolmonoxidvarnare på boendet.
Värden har angett att det finns en rökdetektor på boendet.
På detta boende finns bland annat följande säkerhetsdetaljer: brandsläckare och instickslås.
Boendet hanteras av vår partner Vrbo. Du kommer att få ett e-postmeddelande från Vrbo med en länk till ett Vrbo-konto, där du kan att avboka eller ändra din bokning.
Boendets registreringsnummer 4267

Bra att veta

Bil rekommenderas för transport till och från detta boende.

Om området

Akumal, QROO

I närheten

  • Half Moon Bay - 1 min till fots
  • Yal-ku Lagoon - 7 min till fots
  • Akumal Beach - 3 min med bil
  • Centro Ecológico Akumal - 4 min med bil
  • Riviera Maya Golfklubb - 9 min med bil

Ta sig runt

  • Tulum internationella flygplats (TQO) - 79 min med bil


  • ‪Mezcal Lobby Bar - ‬9 min med bil
  • ‪Mediterraneo - ‬4 min med bil
  • ‪Coffe Shop at Grand Sirenis - ‬9 min med bil
  • ‪Akumal Sushi Beach Bar - ‬8 min med bil
  • ‪Market Café - ‬4 min med bil

Vanliga frågor och svar

Är Helt enkelt Akumals bästa! Lyxigt Penthouse med infinity-pool vid taket, taket ... husdjursvänligt?

Ja, husdjur är tillåtna på boendet.

Hur mycket kostar det att bo på Helt enkelt Akumals bästa! Lyxigt Penthouse med infinity-pool vid taket, taket ...?

Enligt uppgifter från den 3 mars 2025, startar priserna från 8 844,05 kr för en natts vistelse för två vuxna på Helt enkelt Akumals bästa! Lyxigt Penthouse med infinity-pool vid taket, taket ... den 21 mars 2025, inklusive skatter och avgifter. Priset baseras på det lägsta priset per natt som hittats under det senaste dygnet för vistelser under de 30 kommande dagarna. Priserna kan ändras. Välj datum för att få rätt priser.

Vilka är incheckningstiderna för Helt enkelt Akumals bästa! Lyxigt Penthouse med infinity-pool vid taket, taket ...?

Incheckning börjar 16.00.

Vilken utcheckningstid gäller för Helt enkelt Akumals bästa! Lyxigt Penthouse med infinity-pool vid taket, taket ...?

Utcheckning sker senast klockan 10.00.

Var ligger Helt enkelt Akumals bästa! Lyxigt Penthouse med infinity-pool vid taket, taket ...?

Denna lägenhet på stranden i Akumal ligger mindre än 2 km från Half Moon Bay och Akumal Beach. Yal-ku Lagoon och Centro Ecológico Akumal ligger också 2 km härifrån.

Recensioner för Simply Akumal's Best! Luxury Beachfront Penthouse w/Infinity Pool, Rooftop...




10 - Fantastiskt i betyg. 102 av 106 recensioner
8 - Bra i betyg. 2 av 106 recensioner
6 - Okej i betyg. 2 av 106 recensioner
4 - Dåligt i betyg. 0 av 106 recensioner
2 - Väldigt dåligt i betyg. 0 av 106 recensioner






Boendets skick och faciliteter




10/10 Fantastiskt

John H.

Gillade: Renlighet
December get away.
great location on half moon bay in Akumal. 4th floor view was fantastic but we had to work for it because the elevator didn't work and most likely never will.
Bodde här 7 nätter i december 2024

6/10 Okej

Junior C.

Gillade: Renlighet
Almost perfect.
Highlights: Amazing view, great staff, gated community, felt very safe. The house keeper does an amazing job and the grounds keepers are very nice and helpful. We loved having breakfast almost daily at the nearby “La Jungla” which is just a short walk away. We also loved having casual dinners and drinks right on the beach at the nearby “La Buena Vida”. This place was almost perfect. Here are some things to note if you’re considering staying here: 1. If you rent a car during your stay, there is parking on site, but not enough parking to accommodate everyone if the building is fully booked. Towards the end of our stay we had to double park at night. 2. The touchpad on the safe did not work during our stay. However the groundskeeper lent us the backup key so that we could store our valuables while we were out. 3. Towards the end of our stay a someone came(unannounced) to work on the AC unit. We left to grab lunch and when we returned, we found ourselves locked out of our place Since guests use the keypad to enter, we had no key to the deadbolt. We had to wait over an hour for them to come unlock the door. After their visit, the thermostat would reset itself to 78 degrees on its own within minutes of us turning it down. We would have to get up several times a night to turn it down to a comfortable temp.
Bodde här 7 nätter i februari 2024

8/10 Bra


Reste i grupp, Reste med familjen
Gillade: Bekvämligheter och boendets skick och faciliteter
The condo was absolutely beautiful. The view was amazing. We came right after the hurricane and would barely notice with hardworking staff working on the property constantly. The area is a perfect beach town with a close breakfast place “jungle cafe” and a very friendly restaurant essentially across the street, and a corner market type place maybe 1/4 of the mile down the road. Other more fancy restaurants were also within walking distance. The coral reef… amazing. Friendly and reassuring owner who I am sure I drove nuts with all of my questions. The pictures don’t do the place justice, it was beautiful. 25 minute drive from either Tulum or Playa Del Carmen, walking distance to cenote, you can’t go wrong location wise. Lots of little things that make a big difference… coffee pot with coffee, welcoming drinks, the decorations gorgeous, the snorkeling equipment saved us money in rentals. Only complaints was that we had eight people, the place really should t be allowed to accommodate eight. Although there are two blow up beds there is only room for one inside and the other would have to be outside on the roof without access to us, big protection, or locks (or air conditioner). So we had four people camped out on our he couches. I thought the loft has inside access but was wrong.
Bodde här 8 nätter i juli 2024

10/10 Fantastiskt

John K.

Gillade: Renlighet
Picture Perfect
This condo is amazing. I would stay here again without question. From the spacious showers to the blackout blinds to the patio to the well appointed kitchen to the extraordinarily comfortable beds, this place has it all. The on-site management and daily cleaning service are extraordinarily helpful. Above all, the views from Nahil condos are unmatched in Akumal. It's perfect Several restaurants and the public beach are just a short walk down a quaint streetscape. It makes for a perfect after dinner stroll back to the condo. Very safe and friendly environment. Owner was very responsive and her guidebook and helpful tips were spot-on. Thank you!
Bodde här 5 nätter i mars 2024

10/10 Fantastiskt

Susan D.

Gillade: Renlighet
This was a wonderful place for 2 couples to stay. Location was great! Walked to wonderful restaurants/bars. We rented a car in Cancun but only used it once! Michaela was prompt in replying to questions. She’s wonderful. And the staff was equally as helpful. Highly recommend going with JP to visit a cenote. The rooftop is amazing. The only thing I didn’t realize from the description is the access to it is not from inside the condo. Love that the 1/2 bath is up there! Enjoyed the hammock! When we return to Akumal we will hope to stay here again.
Bodde här 9 nätter i februari 2024

10/10 Fantastiskt

Kristi G.

Gillade: Renlighet
Lovely location w/ lots of amenities
Beach offers tons to do …. amazing snorkeling … great restaurants, shopping and a cenote all in walking distance. The on-site staff were incredible … especially the main housekeeper. Bird watching and view of ocean from the balcony outstanding!
Bodde här 8 nätter i februari 2023

10/10 Fantastiskt

Madison N.

Gillade: Renlighet
Beautiful condo and amazing view!!
We stayed here for our honeymoon and didn’t want to leave the view was so beautiful, we loved being able to see the ocean from almost every room. Paddle boards and snorkel gear was a plus the have right there!

10/10 Fantastiskt

Lia B., Long Island, NY

Gillade: Renlighet
We loved Akumal and Nahil
My family and I had a wonderful time staying at Nahil! We stayed for 8 days. The location is perfect. My kids loved the pool. The water was beautiful and my family had a great time paddle boarding and snorkeling right off the beach. The seaweed was a problem on the surrounding properties but the management did a great job of keeping our beach clear. The smell of the seaweed was a problem while walking through town but we didn’t notice it while on the property. The condo was beautiful and very clean. The 6 of us did fit ( 4 adults and two teens) however there were only two bedrooms so it wasn’t ideal for those who were sleeping on the air mattress in the living room. They felt as though they didn’t have enough privacy and weren't very comfortable on the inflatable mattress. We knew this going in but we were under the impression the pent house only had access from our unit which wasn’t the case so no one really felt comfortable sleeping up there, plus it was just too hot to sleep up there. That being said, we didn’t see anyone else come up during the day while we were using it. The only other thing I would mention is that the elevator doesn’t work and it was a bit cumbersome dragging our heavy luggage up and down the 4 flights of stairs during arrival and check out. My aunt also hurt her hip and had a hard time getting up and down the stairs multiple times a day during our stay. It was a beautiful view and worth it but not good for those with mobility issues or certain health conditions. The town was very nice and we enjoyed shopping and eating at the restaurants. It was also a great location for visiting the cenotes and other attractions such as Xcaret and xelha which were a highlight of our trip. We would recommend this place to family and friends and would definitely stay here again.
Bodde här 8 nätter i juli 2021

10/10 Fantastiskt

Jose R.

Gillade: Renlighet
Great for the area, but maybe other areas are better. . .
Limitations on when you could use and what settings you could put your air conditioner to. Elevators did not work. Penthouse is on the 4th floor making it difficult. Coast was experiencing a serious problem with the accumulation of seaweed. Management did a good job of keeping our limited beach area clear, however smell was always a problem due to this inversion regardless of where you were at.
Bodde här 9 nätter i juni 2021

10/10 Fantastiskt

Jennifer B.

Gillade: Renlighet
The condo was exactly how it was represented online! We had an amazing time in this beautiful and clean environment. From booking, arrival and departure everyone we spoke or emailed to was quick, efficient and polite.
Bodde här 6 nätter i juni 2021

10/10 Fantastiskt

Jason V.

Gillade: Renlighet
Great stay
Great location. 4th floor was not great until you got to experience the view in the morning for coffee.
Bodde här 5 nätter i januari 2021

10/10 Fantastiskt

Lucia R.

Gillade: Renlighet
This hidden GEM gets a 10 Star rating!!
My husband and I visit Mexico annually for 1-2 months, this was our first time staying in Akumal. The area is very quaint and everything we hoped in authentic Mexico. Our accommodations were unique and exceeded our expectations in so many ways. From the custom handmade master bedroom natural wood furniture, Conch faucet fixtures, hand selected coral embedded shower tiles, magical floating Guest bed, the only rooftop in the building, a sunrise view on one side plus a jungle view on the other... I could go on and on.... This place felt like a home. It is obvious Michaela decorated her home with passion and family in mind. We can’t wait to go back and most definitely will!! Thanks Michaela for a wonderful experience and for your professionalism through your trip.
Bodde här 3 nätter i januari 2021

10/10 Fantastiskt

Maria J., Houston

Gillade: Renlighet
Akumal Nahil #8
Love love love Akumal and this property, our 2nd stay here, it's amazing, can't wait to come back!
Bodde här 7 nätter i juni 2020

10/10 Fantastiskt

Kent H.

Gillade: Renlighet
Great Place to Stay
The condo is beautiful. We had a great stay there. anytime I had a question the owner answered very quickly. One of the best experience I have rented a house. Akumal area is a great location. I would go back again. Thanks for the lovely time.
Bodde här 7 nätter i februari 2020

10/10 Fantastiskt

Verifierad resenär

Gillade: Renlighet
Amazing oceanfront Getaway!
What a great Getaway! Even though this was a last minute rental, Michaela was very prompt at communications and everything went smoothly when we arrived. The pictures don’t do the condo justice. The views are amazing from every room and the rooftop palapa was a stunning bonus. The condo also had a well stocked kitchen, spices,etc. Upon our arrival the beers and beverages waiting for us were a nice touch. It was such a treat to wake up every morning, make coffee and watch the sun rise on the ocean. The daily maid service to do dishes and to tidy up was great too! It is also located in one of the best locations being so close to Yal Ku and great restaurants. They were an easy bike ride or a short walk. Being ocean front also let us enjoy snorkeling and beach strolling often. This allowed us to have a new adventure each day. We loved our stay! We hope to come back in the near future!
Bodde här 5 nätter i februari 2020

10/10 Fantastiskt

Craig G.

Gillade: Renlighet
5 Star Beach Front Vacation
This was a perfect vacation. As impressive as the pictures are, in reality it is even better. We spent every night with the glass doors open sleeping to the sound of the Bay. We watched sunrise from the terrace and sunset from the private roof. The snorkeling was top notch. The communication and recommendations from our host were spot on. The sound system throughout the condo and extra touches like the LEDs were also great, This was exactly what my son and I wanted. I highly recommend and will be back.

10/10 Fantastiskt

Brandon S.

Gillade: Renlighet
Amazing property and views!
From the moment we walked in we were amazed! We continued to be amazed when we found out there is a private rooftop patio! Everything was very clean and absolutely breathtaking. They had snorkeling gear for us to use and WE DID, it was great! Even private bikes.. which came in handy!! We saw all kinds of fish and turtles! Two small things we had issues with were the balcony railing was very unstable and if two people leaned hard on it could fall to a certain death. Also the oven and stove top pilot lights were out, which was unfortunate bc we had some awesome food we wanted to cook. Those are both easy fixes. Overall we had an absolute INCREDIBLE honeymoon here. It was a last minute decision to extend our stay after our wedding and found this incredible place last minute! We are just so happy and lucky it was available for us. We will never forget our time here. Thank you!
Bodde här 3 nätter i februari 2020

10/10 Fantastiskt


Gillade: Renlighet
Beautiful Condo!!!
We are just wrapping up an eight night stay at this gorgeous condo. The condo is so warm and beautifully decorated... we are sad to be leaving. The VRBO pictures are accurate and maybe don’t even truly capture the stunning views from almost every room. The only thing that was a bit surprising to us is that the terrace isn’t actually connected to the condo... you need to out of the condo, up a flight of stairs to the roof, and it’s located on the roof. We had some rain and didn’t get to use the terrace as much as we’d hoped, but it would definitely be a great place to hang out and watch the sunset. Upon our arrival and for a few days following, we had issues with the hot water heater (saw this mentioned in some previous posts as well). We were so impressed with the owner’s responsiveness and concern, as well as the efforts the staff made to correct the problem. They ended up replacing the entire water heater twice - a second time after the first replacement didn’t do the trick for some reason. So if you’re concerned about hot water issues from previous post(s) - rest assured the problem has been solved! The owner was also very gracious and gave us a partial refund for the days we were inconvenienced. Highlights of the trip were catamaran sale through the dive shop, a private tour of Rancho Santa Cruz cenotes here in Akumal, for our kids - renting a golf cart and driving it around town, and snorkeling right outside of the condo. The tips the owner provided were hugely helpful. All in all, great experience!!
Bodde här 7 nätter i december 2019

10/10 Fantastiskt

Stacy R., Salado Texas United States

Gillade: Renlighet
Best Vacation we’ve had in YEARS!!!
I just want to say how wonderful our vacation at Nahil Penthouse in Akumal was! This condo was even more beautiful than the pictures and was sitting on the most beautiful beach!!! We had NO SEAWEED at our beach, like some of the other properties nearby. The daily maid service was terrific, the town of Akumal was outstanding and the people were the friendliest I’ve met!! It was so safe!!! The food was absolutely amazing, at all the restaurants Michaela recommended. Snorkeling just in front of our condo was some of the best we have done!!! I cannot recommend this place enough. We had a party of 6, 4 adults and 2 teens and it was plenty of space! We will be back!
Bodde här 5 nätter i augusti 2019

10/10 Fantastiskt

Jennifer A.

Gillade: Renlighet
Best property from Cancun to Tulum
We absolutely loved our stay! Michaela was extremely responsive to my (many) questions before our trip and offered very helpful advice and information. The unit itself is spectacular. There is no better view than what you get from this property. Being able to have beautiful views of the bay from the bed (I woke up to the sunrise each day), the bathroom, the living area and the kitchen made it feel like every minute of the day was spent in paradise. The location is perfect. Half moon bay is one of the few remaining places in the world with snorkeling right off the beach in a quiet setting. Lots of variety of coral, and tons of fish. We saw turtles, rays, an eel, a baracuda, and schools of 50-100 fish that would allow us to swim alongside them. The bay is shallow, so it never felt unsafe, even fairly far out (which is where the most coral and fish are). We were amazed that we usually had the entire bay almost to ourselves (maybe that is different other times of year?). Even though it was August there was a breeze all the time that kept it reasonably cool, plus we spent all our time in the pool or bay. On one side of the bay is Yal-ku lagoon (tip - bring the life jackets that are in the unit otherwise you have to pay to rent them) with great snorkeling, and on the other side is Akumal Bay where you can swim with turtles and rays. Close by are beautiful cenotes (we loved Garden of Eden which is only 10 min drive), Dos Ojos (we went early and literally had it to ourselves for an hour), and Gran Cenote. The ruins at Coba are fantastic. If you have mobility issues (as I did), you can pay $9 to have someone pedal you around the ruins and act as a guide. Or you can rent bikes for a few dollars. Well worth the trip. We have been to that area 4 times, and Akumal is definitely our favorite place. No high rises on the Half Moon Bay keeps it feeling much more peaceful than other resort areas. And La Buena Vida is just down the road. Perfect for kids there are tree houses, hammocks, a pool, and all the tables are right on the edge of the bay. The only downside to this paradise is the sea grass that washes up and lines the shores. The beach in front of this condo never had much at all, which made it much nicer getting in to the ocean. We loved our stay here so much we can't wait to go back!
Bodde här 10 nätter i juli 2019

10/10 Fantastiskt

Sheena C.

Gillade: Renlighet
This was our second time staying at this condo. We loved it so much the first time we came back 2 years later! We have been to Mexico hundreds of times to vacation and this is by far the best place we’ve ever stayed. Michaela is very responsive and is very knowledgeable about Akumal. This condo was very clean, the views are just amazing, oh and the rooftop palapa... no words can even explain! We rented a car from the airport, stopped at the grocery store in Playa del Carmen and then never used the car again during our stay because we rented golf carts. We were so sad to leave Akumal and this condo as it felt like paradise staying here! We will be back!
Bodde här 4 nätter i juli 2019

10/10 Fantastiskt

Katherine C., Mt. Pleasant, MI

Gillade: Renlighet
Amazing family vacation
We just returned from a family vacation at this condo in akumal. It was an amazing place! The owners are very nice and attentive to renters assuring their stay meets all your expectations! And believe me it did! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us. We were a family of 6 and we had the absolute best time. We rented a golf cart for the week and it was great. This is the first time out of all the places we have rented that is literally a beach area where cars are cautious of golf carts and pedestrians. There is very little car traffic and it’s very safe. Our 16 yr old son drove the golf cart the most and it was just laid back traveling around. They drove golf cart to the lagoon and to akumal bay to swim with sea turtles. They saw at least 10 turtles and a big sting ray the day they went to akumal bay with golf cart (3 min drive from condo). They loved the lagoon they got to see all the bright tropical fish. We loved the pool and swimming right off our condo beach. They saw lots of fish and one sea turtle right of our beach. We wanted a private chef for half of our stay and the owners recommended chef Daveed! That was amazing too! I highly recommend them. Great food and lets you feel the culture! The details the owners have put into this condo makes it one of a kind. With unique touches you rarely see when renting places. They have a lot of thought and love put into this zen like home. My thoughts when first renting this place was the teenagers will want to sleep outside on the roof in the palapa. My husband kept saying “no we are.” And so we did. I wasn’t to sure before doing it ... but it was the absolute best thing! We would sit there and hear the waves all night, the sea breeze kept us perfect in the summer heat and the moonlight made it majestic! I can’t say enough great things about this place and the owners! It was a great relaxing vacay! Thank you for sharing your home with us! We want to come again!!
Bodde här 6 nätter i juli 2019

10/10 Fantastiskt

Paul R.

Amazing vacation, beautiful condo.
Just had one of our best family vacations ever in Akumal with a fantastic penthouse condo providing incredible views and perfect location, everyone is already talking about coming back.
Bodde här 6 nätter i mars 2019

10/10 Fantastiskt

Jason T.

Wonderful, well-managed luxury
Our first time in the area and we had a wonderful stay. The condo is designed and decorated well, and stocked with the right utensils and appliances. We did have internet problems and water heater problems, but the onsite staff was quick with repairs. 2-3 mbps is what you get in Mexico, not great. The swing bed in the second room is interesting, if you're not going to use it for intimate endeavors. Nice to have bike access, because the town is a bit far of a walk, if it's hot. Michaela was a pleasure to work with. I wish all VRBO rentals were run this well.
Bodde här 6 nätter i januari 2019

10/10 Fantastiskt

Dia M.

Great Condo and Loved Alkumal!!
Condo was beautifully decorated, super clean, and the owner & management company really cared about our experience and were great to work with! The information Michaela provided about Akumal was very helpful - we stayed very busy for the 4-5 days we were there and the restaurant suggestions were spot-on. (While Yal Ku Lagoon, La Lunita & La Bueno Vita were within walking distance and there are 2 bikes available, I am glad we rented golf carts for other Alkumal experiences. The mgt company set up the rentals for us and we thought the cost was reasonable.)
Bodde här 4 nätter i december 2018